Cit. Index Journals
Köhl M. Hildebrandt R. Olschofsky K. Köhler R. Rötzer T. Mette T. Pretzsch H. Köthke M. Dieter M. Abiy M. Makeschin F. Kenter B. 2010 Combating the effects of climatic change on forests by mitigation strategies. Carbon Balance and Management 2010, 5:8 doi:10.1186/1750-0680-5-8.
Stümer, W., B. Kenter, M. Köhl, 2010: Spatial Interpolation of In-Situ Data by Self-Organizing Map Algorithms (Neural Networks) for the Assessment of Carbon Stocks in European Forests, Forest Ecology and Management, 260: 287-293, doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2010.4.008
Köhl, M., T. Baldauf, D. Plugge, J. Krug, 2009 Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): a climate change mitigation strategy on a critical track in Carbon Balance and Management 2009 on 13 November 2009
Jancke, O., L.K.A. Dorren, F. Berger, M. Furh, M. Köhl, 2009: Implications of Alpine Coppice Stand Characteristics on the Rockfall Protection Function, Forest Ecology and Management 295 (1): 124-131, doi: 10.1010/j.foreco.2009.10.003
Krug, J., M. Köhl, T. Riedel, K. Bormann, S. Rüter, P. Elsasser, 2009: Options for accounting carbon sequestration in German forests, Carbon Balance and Management. 4:5 doi:10.1186/1750-0680-4-5
Köhl, M., Frühwald, A. 2009: Permanent Wood Sequestration: NO Solution to the Global Carbon Dioxide Problem, ChemSusChem 2(7): 609-613
Oehmichen, K., M. Köhl, 2008: Verfahrensvorschläge zur satellitengestützten Waldflächenkartierung für die Bundeswaldinventur, Photogrametrie – Fernerkundung – Geoinformation 6/2008, 499 – 507
Köhl, M., W. Stümer, B. Kenter, 2008: Uncertainties in the estimation of effects of forest management and decay of dead woody material on carbon stock and carbon stock changes – a simulation study, Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 256 (3): 229 – 236
Magnussen, S., M. Köhl, 2006: A better alternative to Wald’s test-statistic for simple goodness-of-fit tests under one-stage cluster sampling, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 221, Issues 1-3, 10 January 2006, Pages 123-132
Magnussen, S., M. Köhl, 2005: A Variance Estimator for Constrained Estimates of Change in Relative Categorical Frequencies, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 105, Numbers 1-3: Pages: 391 – 410
Schuck, A., Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Folving, S., Köhl, M., Miina, S., Päivinen, R., Richards, T., Voss, H. 2005. The European Forest Information System -an Internet based interface between information providers and the user community. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 47(3): 185-206
Stümer, W., M. Köhl, 2005, Kombination von terrestrischen Aufnahmen und Fern-erkundungsdaten mit Hilfe der k-Nächste-Nachbarn-Methode zur Klassifizierung und Kartierung von Wäldern, Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformation 1/2005: 23-36
S. Magnussen, M. Köhl, 2002: Estimating probability density functions of prevalence from double sampling of multinomial data with one fallible classifier. Forest Science 48(3): 569-581